• Code:
  • Type:
  • Name:
  • Exchange:
  • Currency Code:
  • Currency Name:
  • Currency Symbol:
  • Country Name:
  • Country ISO:
  • Description:
  • Category:
  • Updated At:
  • Beta:
  • 52 Week High:
  • 52 Week Low:
  • 50 Day MA:
  • 200 Day MA:
  • ISIN:
  • Company Name:
  • Company URL:
  • ETF URL:
  • Domicile:
  • Index Name:
  • Yield:
  • Dividend Paying Frequency:
  • Inception Date:
  • Max Annual Mgmt Charge:
  • Ongoing Charge:
  • Date Ongoing Charge:
  • Net Expense Ratio:
  • Annual Holdings Turnover:
  • Total Assets:
  • Average Mkt Cap Mil:
  • Mega:
  • Big:
  • Medium:
  • Small:
  • Micro:
  • Asset Allocation:
  • World Regions:
  • Sector Weights:
  • Fixed Income:
  • Holdings Count:
  • Top 10 Holdings:
  • Holdings:
  • Morning Star:
  • Valuations Rates Portfolio:
  • Valuations Rates To Category:
  • Growth Rates Portfolio:
  • Growth Rates To Category:
  • 1y Volatility:
  • 3y Volatility:
  • 3y Exp Return:
  • 3y Sharp Ratio:
  • Returns YTD:
  • Returns 1Y:
  • Returns 3Y:
  • Returns 5Y:
  • Returns 10Y:

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